Monday, August 29, 2011

Obligatory Irene Post

Magically, we did not lose our electricity, but we did get a hell of a lot of flooding. So I gathered all of the candles in the house for no reason.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pretty Light

tattoos, pups, plants, and peppers.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Born in the Doorway on EBay!

Do you want some super cute clothes for super cheap prices?
Well in the spirit of new beginnings and a clean closet, I am selling a lot of my beloved articles of clothing that I just don't need anymore.

Born in the Doorway on Ebay will be a growing project, and I have plans to put up some hand-made crochet coffee cozies made by yours truly! In the meantime, enjoy the clothes, and keep your eyes peeled for bags, shoes, scarves, jewelry, and more! The pictures above are just the beginning :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Where I've Been

I know I've been very MIA around here, but I thought I'd let you know that I am quite active on tumblr these days. I also changed the URL for my tumblr so you can now find me on
This blog's namesake was already taken! Sad face :(
I've been posting a lot more of my own photos there and I reblog a lot of pretty things. I hope you enjoy!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Scenes from Newport Folk Fest 2011

1. Playing catch on Block Island
2. Lobster nets at the Barking Crab
3 & 4. The Civil Wars
5. My franzz
6. The crowd on Fort Adams
7. Moon mats
8. A couple's commute home from the festival
9. The Freelance Whales & PS. 22 Chorus
10. The Civil Wars
11. Charity from the Head and the Heart
12. Freelance Whales & PS. 22
13. The Head and the Heart <3
14. View from the ferry home
15. ...and one of me enjoying myself, for good measure.

Theres plenty more on my tumblr.


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