I've never been very good about shopping for shoes- I tend to stick to the same two or three standby pairs that go with everything. These shiny shoes called out to me, though, from the freepeople.com site. Sadly, these shoes are currently 218 dollars and realistically don't have much of a purpose, but I would love to have these shoes in the gunmetal shade because I think it would go with a lot more things, and I could wear them more on a day to day basis.
My birthday is coming up, so fingers crossed! Usually I can't really think of anything I want for my birthday, but this year I've been doing so much blogging that I keep coming across things I like, mostly on sites like etsy. For example, the other day I found this necklace and e-mailed the link to myself so I would remember to ask for it. and then I did the same thing with this hat. Not to mention I really want a fisheye lens for my camera and a lomography camera, but since 22 isn't really a very significant birthday I am not expecting much, especially since my 21st birthday gift was a lease on my jetta.
I can't believe I am going to be 22 years old. scary! AND a senior in college. absolutely frightening.
Those are awesome. Do you remember my silver cowboy boots? I've had them for four years and I still love them!