The Wild Things by Dave Eggers.
Maurice Sendak, author of Where the Wild Things Are, asked Eggers to create an adult novelization of his children's story. It's based on the screen play that Eggers also wrote, and I found the novel on sale in Urban Outfitters. I'll be honest, I do often buy the books they have at Urban Outfitters, but I haven't always been too successful with that. However, The Wild Things is quite fantastic so far, and I've read a bunch of other books by Eggers such as You Shall Know Our Velocity and A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. I tried to start What is the What, but I don't think I was in the right mindset at the time, I'll have to go back.
I'm just getting to the part where Max reaches the island, and so far I am noticing significant differences in Eggers' style. It seems almost simpler, and is definitely more accessible to readers. One critique I had of the film was that I was dying to see a lot more about Max's home life before he ran away, and the book definitely goes into more detail. I love reading and seeing all the thought that Eggers puts into each and every word. And NO, I did NOT buy any fur covered edition. My copy is hardcover and quite tasteful, actually. I would never read a fur-covered book, I don't think, though apparently it is out there, and probably on sale at Urban Outfitters, too.
If you're interested in reading an interview with Eggers about The Wild Things, I found a rather interesting one on Rolling Stone.
At times, I really enjoy the careful way Eggers handles words, but when I'm in the wrong frame of mind, forget it—it's like trying to have dinner in a really quiet restaurant with someone who takes a minute to answer a "yes" or "no" question.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with what you're saying, but what I'm finding refreshing about this book is that the long-windedness is fairly non-existent. Its really a light, easy read, probably because it comes from the perspective of an 8 year old boy, so what can he really do that he usually does while also having a convincing speaker? It's so different.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds really cool.