This warmer weather is such a tease.
Yesterday I sat on my back porch and just felt the sun on my face and listened to the sounds of my neighborhood and allowed the vitamin D to perk me out of my winter coma.
Even when there's no sun, I take a vitamin D supplement every day, because I will get noticeably more depressed in the winter if I fail to do so.
However, there is absolutely no substitute for being outside, and yesterday felt amazing.
My dad and I also took the dogs for a brief walk which was good for all of us.
However, with springtime comes the opening of french doors, and creepy flying buzzing crawlies decide to make my house their home. And they like the smell of my leftover pasta from Maggianos. And I have a very inconvenient phobia. So, when I had my first intruder of the season last night, I left the ravioli on the counter and left the house. And then my dog got to eat the ravioli, not me.
Anyway, what I guess I'm getting at is, though I hate insects, the warm weather is completely worth it. It protects my health, my happiness, and my sanity. So if someone told me to pick between winter with no bugs and summer with bugs, I'd pick summer every single time. So I really need to get over this dumb little hang up and be able to enjoy my ravioli. and my favorite time of the year.
But I won't get too excited about springtime just yet. After all, on April 1st last year we had a snowstorm in Boston. The trick is to never get too comfortable with a weather pattern, but hopefully we'll have some really warm weather days in between the anticipated random snowy ones. You gotta take what you can get.
(photo via thingssheloves.tumblr.com)
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