Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My First Drawing Assignment

Our first assignment in drawing class was to draw 3 self-portraits on 3 different days.
We completed those and critiqued them in class.
The teacher taught us about proportion, line weight, etc.
Our next assigment (due tomorrow) was to do one more self portrait, taking into account everything we learned in class.
Heres the sequence:

First day, first time drawing in a long time

Started out awful, I actually cheated and went back and tweaked it the next day

Third drawing. This is my least favorite, and my teacher asked if I was high when I drew this because my pupils look so dilated.

This is the one I just drew, after the lesson. All in all, I think this one actually looks kind of like me, as opposed to just a cartoon of some girl with dark hair. I think this kind of makes me look like a man but... it resembles me. It kinda looks better in person too. But yeah, this one also has a facial expression of some kind, which is something I failed to capture in the last ones. All in all, I think I'm making progress!

This stuff is hard. Harder than I thought. I thought I was already good! HA! I was mostly delirious.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are making progress too! But about what your prof said....? Only kidding. :)



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